WorkLife Mindfulness
Integrate mindfulness and stress reduction into your company’s culture.WorkLife Mindfulness serves companies by offering tools for personnel to better focus, work more productively, and foster a more harmonious environment.
- What possibilities would you unlock if you could access clarity and calm in stressful, high-stakes situations? Would you be more effective?
- What possibilities would you unlock if you understood your own emotional triggers and physiological reactions? Would your resilience grow?
- What possibilities would you unlock if you harnessed your listening, communication, and empathy skills? Would your relationships improve?
WorkLife Mindfulness is an innovative and dynamic response to growing concerns about the negative impact of stress on workplace productivity and employee health. Recent studies show that approximately 75% of all illness is related to stress and 83% percent of employees report that work is a significant source of their stress. Additionally the World Health Organization estimates that stress costs American businesses more than $300 billion each year, and it is clear that we are facing an serious workplace problem.
These alarming statistics offer a stark contrast to companies with effective employee wellness programs. Companies with the most effective health and productivity programs achieved 11% more revenue per employee, delivered 28% higher shareholder returns, and had lower medical trends and fewer absences per employee recent research suggests. And companies that invest more than average in employee training outperform the market by 45% and have returns that are 86% higher than those companies that spend less than average.
WorkLife Mindfulness programs address the stress and pressures that both our professional and personal lives have on our minds and bodies, our work performance and our relationships. These programs teach myriad stress reduction methods, educate employees about the important role they play in their own mental, emotional, and physical health, and assist employees in creating and sustaining their own individualized mindfulness practice.
The tools Working Mindfulness provides will assist workers in creating a healthier relationship to stress, one that allows them to control their response to stress and to be proactive not reactive to not only high-stress and high-stakes situations but also to the daily grind of workplace stressors. The goal of WorkLife Mindfulness programming is to be a catalyst to mitigating negative workplace stress and to influence the creation of a better workplace culture through mindfulness.

Mindfulness practice as a regular aspect of daily professional and personal life can lead to:
- Decreased stress and stress-related health issues - and an improved quality of life
- Increased focus and awareness - more productivity and creativity
- Increased compassion for self and others - improved relationships
- Perception shifts - improved decision making, more positive outlook
- Increased emotional intelligence - overall improved effectiveness and happiness
Learning Objectives
- Defining and exploring mindfulness and the benefits it offers
- Learning about the impact of stress on the mind and body
- Participants will practice: seated and walking meditations, mindful eating, mindful movement, and mindful communication
- Instructive themes will cover: shifting perceptions, responding vs. reacting, awareness vs. auto pilot, the distracted brain, cultivating a non-judgmental attitude
- Discussing the applications of mindfulness in personal and professional relationships and settings
- Learning current workplace, neuroscience, and clinical mindfulness research
- Creating and sustaining your own practice
Program Offerings
The following courses and programs can be customized to meet the specific needs of your company:
- Working Mindfulness Workshops: multi-day, single-day, or half-day introduction to mindfulness practices for the professional and personal world
- Lunch and Learn: introducing the benefits and evidence-based foundation for mindfulness practice in the workplace
- Working Mindfulness Consultation: for the development and implementation of strategies for the integration of mindfulness practices into company culture and practices
- Introduction to Mindfulness: 4 week program exploring and integrating various mindfulness practices into the workplace
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): the most scientifically supported program, 8 weeks of weekly 2 ½ hour classes and an all-day Silent Retreat
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